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  • Product Info

    姬松茸(Agarcus Blazei)是紀念採集人 W.Blaze 而起名為巴氏蘑菇。它是一種夏秋生長的腐生菌,生活在高溫、多濕、通風的環境中,具杏仁香味,口感脆嫩。現姬松茸都屬培植菇,口感極好,味純鮮香,食用價值頗高。包括18種氨基酸和人體的8種必需氨基酸,含有多種維生素和麥角甾醇。 其所含甘露聚醣對抑制腫瘤、醫療痔瘺、增強精力、防治心血管病等都有療效。

    姬松茸性平,味甘;歸心、肺、肝、腎經。 具有健腦、消炎、益腎、降血糖、改善糖尿病、降膽固醇、增強精力、改善動脈硬化、防治心血管病等功效。因美國前總統列根在皮膚癌手術後持續服用姬松茸,結果癌細胞無復發或轉移的情形發生,故而不少人相信,姬松茸與中國之靈芝一般,具有提升免疫力及防癌之效果。





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    Kai's Gourmet

Experience the Delight of Nature's Bounty with Kai's Gourmet

Since 1990, Kai’s Gourmet has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality of rare and wild mushrooms, truffle products, and health foods to our customers, with a top priority placed on your well-being. Our objective is to consistently promote healthy eating habits, eco-friendly lifestyles, and premium, all-natural food products.