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意大利摩德納黑松露陳醋 100ml

  • Product Info

    精選自意大利 Modena 產區的巴薩米克醋配搭意大利黑松露,紅酒醋,葡萄漿和松露調製而成。口感酸甜且醇厚細緻,濃斂酸甜平衡,香味深沈豐富,風味細膩,香味悠長。

    - 點法包,做健康Salad(松露橄欖油 + 松露陳醋)是絕配。

    - 點水餃,撈意粉或扒類,鴨肝均可

    - 吃甜品,雪糕水果均可

    * 產品為常溫品,放置陰涼處保存即可。
    * 使用後要將蓋子鎖緊
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    KAI'S Gourmet

Experience the Delight of Nature's Bounty with Kai's Gourmet

Since 1990, Kai’s Gourmet has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality of rare and wild mushrooms, truffle products, and health foods to our customers, with a top priority placed on your well-being. Our objective is to consistently promote healthy eating habits, eco-friendly lifestyles, and premium, all-natural food products.