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Store: Hysan Place, Shop B203

意大利牛肝菌醬 180g

  • 產品信息

    這款牛肝菌醬含有 75% 野生牛肝菌配以松露和 100% 初榨橄欖油精心調製而成,是做牛肝菌意粉的首選。即使您不精通廚藝,也可以輕鬆地製作出一道矜貴好味的傳統意粉料理。這款調味料味道濃郁、香滑、健康、美味,讓您可以在家中享受到最高級的牛肝菌意粉。



  • 產品類別:


  • 品牌:

    KAI'S Gourmet

Experience the Delight of Nature's Bounty with Kai's Gourmet

Since 1990, Kai’s Gourmet has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality of rare and wild mushrooms, truffle products, and health foods to our customers, with a top priority placed on your well-being. Our objective is to consistently promote healthy eating habits, eco-friendly lifestyles, and premium, all-natural food products.