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特級陳皮 152g(四兩裝)

  • Product Info


    1. 增加食物風味:陳皮具有獨特的香氣和風味,可以為菜肴增添豐富的口感和風味。

    2. 去腥解膻:陳皮具有去腥解膻的作用,可以去除肉類、海鮮等食物的腥味,使菜肴更加清香可口。

    3. 增進消化:陳皮具有健胃化食的功效,可以增進食慾、促進消化,幫助身體更好地吸收營養。

    4. 降低油膩感:陳皮中的類黃酮等成分可以降低油脂的黏稠度,減少油膩感,使菜肴更加清爽。

    5. 促進血液循環:陳皮中的多酚化合物可以促進血液循環,有利於身體健康。

    6. 調理胃腸:陳皮具有健胃化食的作用,可以增進食慾、促進消化,緩解胃部不適、腹脹等問題。

    7. 舒緩咳嗽:陳皮有平喘化痰的功效,可以幫助舒緩咳嗽、喉嚨痛等症狀。





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    Kai's Gourmet

Experience the Delight of Nature's Bounty with Kai's Gourmet

Since 1990, Kai’s Gourmet has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality of rare and wild mushrooms, truffle products, and health foods to our customers, with a top priority placed on your well-being. Our objective is to consistently promote healthy eating habits, eco-friendly lifestyles, and premium, all-natural food products.