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Store: Hysan Place, Shop B203


  • 產品信息

    這是一款融合了意大利黑松露油和黑松露的亞洲風味辣椒油。由八種辣椒品種製成,帶有脆脆的辣椒片、炸蒜、紅蔥頭和芝麻等不同口感。這款辣椒油的風味會在您的口中逐漸升華,但不會讓您的味蕾麻木。Spark Truffle Chili Crisp 的設計目的是為了為您的食物帶來活力。


    Spark Truffle Chili Crisp 可以搭配餃子、pizza、麵條、布拉塔乳酪、火鍋、玉米餅、意大利粉、雞蛋、烤起司、炒飯、燒烤、沙律等,幾乎所有食物都能搭配


    Spark Truffle Chili Crisp 是香港手工製作的,純素、不含麩質,不添加糖分、不含有害物質或防腐劑,非常適合各種飲食需求。



  • 產品類別:


  • 品牌:

    Kai's Gourmet

Experience the Delight of Nature's Bounty with Kai's Gourmet

Since 1990, Kai’s Gourmet has been dedicated to delivering the highest quality of rare and wild mushrooms, truffle products, and health foods to our customers, with a top priority placed on your well-being. Our objective is to consistently promote healthy eating habits, eco-friendly lifestyles, and premium, all-natural food products.